Yesterday marked 5 years of Sunday Album Club. We celebrated this event by having our 200th episode of the series.
It’s amazing how much has changed over this period. Five years ago, we were separated by an ocean, not knowing when we would see each other again, using music as a medium by which to connect and gain some level of intimacy.
Now, we’re together all the time. But we still keep this date in our diary to sit down on Sunday night at 10 PM and play an album. It’s not just about having music on in the background. We think it is important and worth devoting attention to. So during this time, we listen actively, reminisce, and feel grateful that fate has been generous enough to allow us to spend the rest of our lives together.
It’s a shared experience in an ever more atomised world. It’s something we never take for granted.
For this milestone, what better pick than You’ve Come a Long Way Baby by Fatboy Slim. We could wax lyrical about why this album is so legendary. But we’ll let the actual words speak for themselves, and show why this is appropriate for right here, right now.
“We’ve come a long, long way together
Through the hard times and the good
I have to celebrate you, baby
I have to praise you like I should”
Long live Sunday Album Club. To the next one.
Bar-hopping in the underbelly of Neukölln five years ago. Back when we were kids.